Blockchain Developer

Website Overmind

Compete on coding quests to earn prizes and on-chain credentials

About the job
What we are building

Overmind is a platform where web3 developers compete on coding puzzles to earn prizes and on-chain credentials. Our mission is to enable more developers to enter web3, prove their creativity, and access rare opportunities.


We believe that one of the biggest drags on crypto’s growth is the friction and uncertainty that developers face in the transition from web2 to web3. We are introducing “solve-to-earn” to de-risk the time and energy investment required to learn and practice web3 development, thereby offering a real opportunity to enter the space to significantly more people. Solving challenges on Overmind creates a transparent, verifiable track record of one’s skill and creativity, forming the first on-chain resume we have seen that contains real signal. We strongly believe that on-chain reputation will be one of the foundational layers of the crypto economy, and that the resume is where it all starts.


The Overmind is formed by the collective intelligence of those bold enough to join it. Enter at


The Role

You will develop the core smart contracts powering Overmind on multiple chains. You will develop puzzles and challenges for developers to crack. You will work closely with a small team and take ownership of important projects from the get-go.


Skills & Experience

Essential Requirements

– 3+ years of smart contract development experience

– Love for coding puzzles and challenges

– English fluency (written & oral)



– Experience with Move

– Experience writing Layer 1 code, e.g. EVM or Tendermint

– Experience with coding competitions, e.g. ACM ICPC or Topcoder

– Experience with remote work at startups

– Bachelors or advanced degree in Computer Science or related subject


Needless to say, none of the above supersedes your intellectual curiosity and drive to build world-changing products.


Overmind Quests

Solve any of the live competitive quests at, prove your technical skills, and increase your interview chances.
Ping us on the Overmind Discord with your submission details and we will expedite the process for you.

To apply for this job please visit